SF19BB Superfoil Insulation 1.2m x 10m x 40mm (12m2) Insulation & Breather membrane in 1
Insulation and Breathable membrane in 1 application
SF19BB is SuperFOIL’s first fully BREATHABLE INSULATION. It is a high performance and very competitive BREATHABLE INSULATION its new construction and design outperform other manufacturers with its excellent R value of R 2.45 for a wall and R2.16 for a roof. Breathable Insulations save on time and materials by providing both the secondary rain barrier breathable membrane and insulation at the same time, this can reduce installation time and save on extra battens. Benefiting from advanced sonic construction techniques and advanced lamination developments and nano technology. SF19BB is creating better options for solutions as low as U0.10. SF19BB comes in new convenient rolls that are 1.5m wide by 10m long, of 15 square meters. Rolls are available from stock with special new product incentives and offers. SF19BB can be used as an alternative to TLX Gold but please check with our technical department if you have any queries.
Insulation and Breathable membrane in 1 application
SF19BB is SuperFOIL’s first fully BREATHABLE INSULATION. It is a high performance and very competitive BREATHABLE INSULATION its new construction and design outperform other manufacturers with its excellent R value of R 2.45 for a wall and R2.16 for a roof. Breathable Insulations save on time and materials by providing both the secondary rain barrier breathable membrane and insulation at the same time, this can reduce installation time and save on extra battens. Benefiting from advanced sonic construction techniques and advanced lamination developments and nano technology. SF19BB is creating better options for solutions as low as U0.10. SF19BB comes in new convenient rolls that are 1.5m wide by 10m long, of 15 square meters. Rolls are available from stock with special new product incentives and offers. SF19BB can be used as an alternative to TLX Gold, YBS Breatherquilt but please check with our technical department if you have any queries.